
Simply put, this BLOG is all about: LIFE STEWARDSHIP. Below you will find notes from Bible studies that cover basic stewardship principles and how to apply them to our lives.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hazardous Giving! - (2 Corinthians 9:7b)

Do you write your tithe & offering check at the same time you pay you bills?  If so, that could be hazardous to your giving!  I don't know anyone that cheerfully pays bills.  I think many of us make out our tithe & offering check at the same time we pay bills and never stop to get a Biblical perspective or allow time for our heart to change.

I had the great privilege of serving with Dr. Adrian Rogers at Bellevue Baptist Church for a number of years.  Known for so many wise quotes, one that fits today's BLOG is, "God loves a cheerful giver.  That which is not given joyfully, God neither wants nor needs."

God is pleased when we take pleasure in giving our money back to Him out of love and obedience.  When we bring 10% of our gross income back to the church as a tithe, with love for Him in our hearts, asking Him to bless and use the tithe for His Kingdom work through our local church, it BLESSES Him!  It makes sense, after all, that is the attitude God took when He gave us the greatest gift of all; Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice for us all 'because of the joy that lay before Him'. (Hebrews 12:2)  Hmm, when you think about it, when we give to God with joy, we are being imitators of God.

  • When is the best time for you to fill out your tithe & offering check to your church?
  • What can you do each time you write that check to put a godly smile on your face?
That's all for now, check back soon for more REDD-INK!

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