
Simply put, this BLOG is all about: LIFE STEWARDSHIP. Below you will find notes from Bible studies that cover basic stewardship principles and how to apply them to our lives.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Am I Responsible With What God Has Given Me?

2. BEING RESPONSIBLE -- God commits material goods, as well as such things as time, into our care. How we use money, property, time, and even our own bodies demonstrates whether or not we are good stewards. Still in Matthew 25, verses 14 to 30, we see that the first two stewards did not complain that they received different amounts even though the first received more. One could have complained 'Why do I have so much more to be accountable for?'  The other could have easily stated, 'Why does he have more than me to take care of?'  They simply used what they had been given faithfully and increased the goods proportionately.  They both doubled what the master had given them! (we'll come back to this in a later post!)
        The Bible teaches us how to handle His creation. Throughout Scripture we find principles of stewardship. Even in Genesis, God placed Adam into the garden to "tend it." From the environment, to the hours in each day, to the money in our pockets, Scripture is replete with examples of how to use what God has entrusted to our care.
You may ask yourself, 'how can I really know if I'm being responsible or not?  That's a great question, and one that most of us don't ask....BUT SHOULD!  Here are a couple of 'primer' questions.  These will get your heart and mind going so a proper personal assessment can be made:
        Q:  Would those around me say that I am careless with any of 'my' possessions?
        Q:  Do I spend 'my' time wisely?
OK, now that I know of some areas that I'm not being as responsible as I should, ask this: 'WHY' have I let these things go, or don't show the proper stewardship over.  Knowing What and Why will help you know the proper thing to ask God for help to answer the 'HOW'!!  How do I become more responsible for those God-given items?  We need His help...after all, they do belong to Him!
Well, that's all for now...until next time...be a good steward of what God has given you!

1 comment:

  1. You are getting the hang of this! Keep on keeping on...

    Love you,



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