
Simply put, this BLOG is all about: LIFE STEWARDSHIP. Below you will find notes from Bible studies that cover basic stewardship principles and how to apply them to our lives.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stewards of Our Job

Hello again Friend, it's good to have you back!  I was thinking about my current, primary job, and wondered if I was being a good steward?  Please take a few minutes and take the poll at the top of the blog.  I appreciate your honest and anonymous feedback!  Well, back to the post....
If all we have is from God, and it is!  

And, all that God gives us we are to exercise stewardship over, which we are to do!

Then it certainly falls true that I should exercise stewardship over the job that God has given me!

So, how do I do that?!  Here's a few Biblical guidelines for us:

> Do your job 'heartily, as unto the Lord' - Colossians 3:23

The encouragement here is this, your boss should never perceive you as being a 'sloth' when it comes to the work you are being paid to perform.  The word 'heartily' means to work 'with good will' and not out of some sense of necessity.  Have you ever said to yourself, or worse out loud to others, "the only reason I'm doing this job is because I have to"?  Your attitude toward your job will directly influence and impact your performance in that job.  Friend, look at your job as a God-given job.  Do every part of your work as unto Him.  Treat your job as if God were your boss!  After all, the money you get from your job really doesn't come from your earthly employer.

> Knowing your payment is 'from the Lord' - Colossians 3:24

These truths help me understand better how to be a good steward of the job God has given me.  I trust they will help you too!

hat's all for now but check back soon for more REDD-INK!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Stepping Closer To The Savior - A Great, Practical Book

The greatest challenge most of us have is connecting with God and deepening our relationship with Him.  We feel the need to know Him, but then the waves and roar and crash of life pull us into pitching tides, and before we know it, the time we'd set aside is gone.  But deep beneath the frenetic pace and pull, is a place of quiet peace.

Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages and Love as A Way of Life recommends the book, Stepping Closer To The Savior, "We all recognize that conversation is the life-blood of relationships.  Melanie Redd applies this reality to our relationship with God.  God speaks and we respond.  Melanie encourages the reader to keep the conversation going...."

These excerpts were taken from the back cover of Melanie's new book.  I have read it several times now and can personally testify that this practical study will live up to it's title!  You can order the book by clicking on the link in the left column of my blog.

Read it and be blessed!

That's all for now, but check back soon for more REDD-INK!

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