
Simply put, this BLOG is all about: LIFE STEWARDSHIP. Below you will find notes from Bible studies that cover basic stewardship principles and how to apply them to our lives.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Excuses for NOT Giving

Have you ever heard, or maybe you yourself have said, "I'll wait until I have more money before I tithe or give an offering to church."  They look at their checkbook and decide they barely have enough to live on so how could they make it through the month if they gave away 10% of what they make!

I remember Herschel Hobbs relating a story of a guy who was known for his generosity.  The man was asked how he became such a big giver.  He replied, “By tithing my first week’s salary of $2.50.” Then Hershal said, "Few people learn to tithe the much if first they have not learned to tithe the little."

Don't fool yourself.  If you are not willing to give 10% or more to God from what you  make now, it is very unlikely that you will give 10% of a larger amount later in life.  Such a person has no idea what they are forfeiting by holding on to that tenth.  Oh how blessed it is to give God the first 10%!

  • How much more would you need to increase your offering to get to 10%?
  • Would you pray and ask God to show you and help you learn to tithe?

That's all for now, but check back soon for more REDD-INK!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Giving Enriches Us - 2Corinthians 9:10-11

The American Dream may involve a number of accomplishments, but there is one that usually makes everyone's list:  "To become really rich."  Do you want to be really rich?  I'm talking about 'rich' in the fullest sense of the word!  If so, then you should start giving!  What?  You may think that's not logical, or a paradox at the least.  According to our passage, the Bible says to be truly rich you must be a giver, sharing joyously what God has given you.  (vs. 11) "You are enriched in every way for all generosity."  Smart farmers would not sell all of their harvest.  They would set back a portion of their crop as seed for the next season thus helping to enrich their household for the future.

When you give more, you create the possibility of gaining more.  What are these 'gains'?  Here are few for your consideration:  more personal satisfaction / knowing that for once you thought about somebody else's needs and not just your own / a greater sense of fulfillment / a deeper sense of belonging in the body of Christ.

  • How does your life change when you give to the needs of other Christians at your church?
  • What are some 'non-financial' ways you can give to the needs of other Christians?

That's all for now check back soon for more Redd Ink.  <)))><

Friday, April 2, 2010

Giving Comes From What God Has Given to Us - 2 Corinthians 9:8-10

We can give to others because God has already given to us.  For the Christian, giving is simply sharing with others what God has given to us.  God does not expect us to give what we don't have!  God does want us to live in such a way that we can always have something to give others around us.  We know this because verse 8 states God wants us to have "everything we need" and He wants us to "excel in every good work" that is, to use all our God-given resources, including money, to help accomplish God's kingdom purposes in the lives of others!  Paul goes on to say that God will "provide and multiply" the resources of the Corinthians so they could accomplish all God desired for them.  The good news for us today is, GOD NEVER CHANGES!  It is still His desire to accomplish these things in the world today through His children.

Don't view your paycheck just as wages from your employer.  See it as a gift from God!  Good stewardship mandates that you pay your bills from these wages, but also to set some aside for the future as well as to have some to give to the poor and needy among us. (verse 9)  When many Christians work together to give from what God has given them, it strongly resembles a concept called 'UNITY' and God blesses unity!  That is a big part of seeing God accomplish great things through local churches.  Maybe you've heard about the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention?  Do some research and see for yourself what God has done when Christians give from what God has given to them!

  • What is a practical way to show your family the truth that all we have comes from God?
  • How have you given to God's kingdom?
  • If you haven't given, how can you start giving to His kingdom?

That's all for now, but check back soon for more REDD-INK!

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