Have you ever heard, or maybe you yourself have said, "I'll wait until I have more money before I tithe or give an offering to church." They look at their checkbook and decide they barely have enough to live on so how could they make it through the month if they gave away 10% of what they make!
I remember Herschel Hobbs relating a story of a guy who was known for his generosity. The man was asked how he became such a big giver. He replied, “By tithing my first week’s salary of $2.50.” Then Hershal said, "Few people learn to tithe the much if first they have not learned to tithe the little."
Don't fool yourself. If you are not willing to give 10% or more to God from what you make now, it is very unlikely that you will give 10% of a larger amount later in life. Such a person has no idea what they are forfeiting by holding on to that tenth. Oh how blessed it is to give God the first 10%!
- How much more would you need to increase your offering to get to 10%?
- Would you pray and ask God to show you and help you learn to tithe?
That's all for now, but check back soon for more REDD-INK!